(+91) 86400 86200 info@shridhaschoolindore.org



We at Parth recognize the need for quality special therapies services and are committed to creating a future in which children with special needs can fully realize their potential and lead fulfilling, productive lives. We envision that they will not just be independent but also agents of social change who contribute to a thriving society!

Our goal is to empower parents and caretakers with quality information and resources. We provide targeted educational programs to families, professionals and the broader community.
Development disabilities in children are on the rise and there is much that needs to be understood, from cause to cure. However there is one widely accepted fact: Early and intensive intervention can have a profound impact on the quality of life for both children and their families.
We have collaborated with Dew Drops, Delhi, a pioneer in the field of therapies and we provide different therapies like ABA, Speech Therapy, CDP, OPT and OT.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a therapy based on the science of learning and behavior. Behavior analysis helps us to understand

  • How behavior works
  • How behavior is affected by the environment
  • How learning takes place

ABA therapy applies our understanding of how behavior works to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning

ABA therapy programs can help

  • Increase language and communication skills
  • Improve attention, focus, social skills, memory, and academics
  • Decrease problem behavior

Core Development Program (CDP)

It supports in

  • Strengthens Processing abilities
  • Indulging in Authentic Emotional Relationship
  • Learning to Communicate and Interact with purpose
  • Learning to Think on their own
  • FLOOR TIME–covers Social Problem Solving and Sensory Processing

Speech Therapy

It helps in

  • Developing Communication Skills
  • Developing and improving comprehension and listening skills
  • Expressing thoughts and Ideas
  • Initiate, maintain and participate in conversations
  • Early literacy skills towards reading and academic success

Oral Placement Therapy

It helps in

  • Speech Clarity
  • Feeding Problems
  • Articulation
  • Chewing
  • Drooling
  • Taste Development
  • Fluency and Many more

Our Leadership Team …

A Word from Director, Dew Drops


It is love for Special Children that has driven our vision of becoming the largest ABA Therapy provider in India. Our Team has traveled far and wide and demonstrated a willingness to work in a variety of areas that require any number of specialized skills.

We have always endeavored to share in the synergy of challenges and opportunities whenever they present themselves.

In these 17 years, we have developed efficient and in-depth processes for children to track their achievements and with each child we have always aimed to provide a speedy completion of each target. Having built on decades of insight and experience, our ambition of reaching out to each and every Special Child nationwide is a dream within our grasp. That said, we would like to invite you to be with us on this special journey of fun n’ learning!

Alpa Mahansaria
BCBA, Msc. Child Development, Certified in Floortime and 17 years of experience working with special needs children

Our Team

We work wih the best therapists in the industry, certified in ABA (BCBA), OPT, OT and Floor Time Global Certifications and experienced teachers unmatched in India. We have also tied up with DEW DROPS one of the leading child healthcare providers in India. We have on board Ms. Alpa Mahansaria, A Board certified behavior analyst and master in child development with 17+ years experience and proven results.


Who Can We Help?


Children diagnosed with Development Delays

Developmental Delay is when your child does not reach their developmental milestones at the expected times. It is an ongoing major or minor delay in the process of development. If a child is temporarily lagging behind, that is not called developmental delay. Delay can occur in one or many areas—for example, gross or fine motor, language, social, or thinking skills. Developmental Delay is most often a diagnosis made by a doctor based on strict guidelines. Usually, though, the parent is the first to notice that their child is not progressing at the same rate as other children the same age.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism can look a lot like each other. Children with either condition can have problems focusing. They can be impulsive or have a hard time communicating. They may have trouble with schoolwork and with relationships. Autism spectrum disorders are a series of related developmental disorders that can affect language skills, behavior, social interactions, and the ability to learn.

A learning disability is a reduced intellectual ability and difficulty with everyday activities, with onset in childhood. The term general learning disability is now used in the UK instead of other terms. The degree of disability can vary greatly, being classified as mild, moderate, severe or profound.
Developmental disabilities are issues that kids don’t outgrow or catch up from, though they can make progress. Even when it’s not clear what’s causing the delay, early intervention often helps kids catch up. But in some cases, kids still have delays in skills when they reach school age.

Children with a general learning disability find it more difficult to learn, understand and do things compared with other children of the same age. Children and adults with intellectual disabilities have an increased prevalence of health problems and their health needs are often unrecognised and unmet. They are also more likely to experience abuse and less likely to access health and other support services successfully.


Contact Us

School : D- 32 HIG Colony,  Indore (MP)
Head Office
: Parth Women And Special Child Development Society,17/1, Old Palasia, Behind Industry House,Near Airen Yamaha Showroom, Indore (MP)
| M : (+91) 86400 86200 | E-Mail : info@shridhaschoolindore.org |

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